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Privacy Policy

The purpose of the Privacy Policy of Infinitas SIA (hereinafter - the Privacy Policy) is to provide natural persons with information on the processing of personal data, the purpose and basis of processing, the duration of processing, categories of recipients of personal data, protection of personal data and the rights of data subjects to access their personal data. 

Controller and contact details 

The controller for the processing of personal data is Infinitas SIA, registration no. 40103330966, full contact details available here: 

The Data Protection Officer of Infinitas SIA can be contacted and asked any questions regarding the processing of personal data at the following e-mail address: 

Personal data and collection 

Personal data is any information about an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter referred to as the "Data Subject") - a prospective/current/former customer, customer's guarantor, heir, payer, representative, contact person, other third party involved in the provision of credit, incl. third party involved in the credit assessment process (e.g. third party data in the documents submitted by the client) and other data processing processes, business partners (including potential ones) of Infinitas SIA, their representatives or beneficial owners, candidates for a vacancy of Infinitas SIA, participants in a tender. 

The categories of personal data that Infinitas SIA collects and processes are, but are not limited to:
- Identifying data, such as name, surname, personal ID number, date of birth, identity document details (e.g. copy of passport, ID card) Nationality;

- Contact details, e.g. address, telephone number, e-mail address;

- Professional (employment) data, e.g. employer details, length of service;

- Data on related persons, e.g. number of dependants, heirs and other related persons.

- Financial data, e.g. data on assets owned, transactions, liabilities, data on income and its source, monthly salary and other regular or irregular income, financial liabilities, source of income (funds);

- Contact data collected when the Data Subject visits the Infinitas SIA shop or website, or contacts Infinitas SIA by telephone, electronically, news and other means of communication such as social media, data obtained when the Data Subject visits Infinitas SIA websites or contacts other Infinitas SIA;

- Data related to services, such as performance or non-performance of contracts, transactions carried out, contracts concluded and expired, applications, requests and complaints submitted, interests, service fees,

- Data relating to participation in games and promotions, such as prizes won in games or promotions.

Infinitas SIA obtains personal data from:

- the Data Subjects themselves;

- Representatives of the Data Subjects;

- Infinitas SIA's business partners (e.g. sellers of goods/services, competition organizers);

- creditors of the Data Subjects;

- credit institutions administering settlements;

- law enforcement authorities, courts, insolvency administrators, bailiffs, notaries;

Purposes of processing personal data

- Receipt and processing of applications (applications to purchase goods or applications for loans) and provision of services by Infinitas SIA;

- Preparation, processing and execution of contracts/agreements, etc. (establishment, modification or termination of legal relations);

- communication with the Data Subject, including informing him/her of any changes to Infinitas SIA, Infinitas SIA's services and/or information arising from the contractual relationship;

- ensuring and improving the provision of services, ensuring the quality of the service;

- market research, statistics;

- offering services to customers (marketing activities), organizing promotions and/or competitions;

- development of new services;

- Advertising Infinitas SIA / cooperation partner's services/products by telephone, including SMS, e-mail, post, websites, mobile services, including tailoring the offer sent to the interests of the Data Subject;

- Implementation and maintenance of new technologies to meet the requirements of regulatory enactments on Data Subject Identification, Prevention of Unlawful Activities, Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing,

- settlement administration;

- organization of record-keeping;

- Receipt and processing of applications/applications/claims, etc., including provision of responses;

- Assignment of claims;

- monitoring of public registers;

- liaising with cooperation partners, including the transmission/receipt of information necessary for cooperation and the provision of services;

- business auditing, planning, accounting and analysis;

- Preparation and presentation of business reports and accounts;

- Compliance with requests from public authorities, including law enforcement authorities, in accordance with the procedures laid down by law;

- Protection of violated or contested rights or interests protected by law, including the exercise of the right to claim, preservation of evidence in the event of a dispute with the Data Subject;

- Identification and prevention of unlawful activities and reporting to the relevant authorities;

- Compliance with statutory obligations (e.g. laws and regulations governing accounting);

- Contributing to the promotion of responsible lending and responsible and fair borrowing 

Legal basis for processing personal data 

Infinitas SIA processes personal data based on the following legal grounds for processing personal data:

- Consent of the data subject to the processing of personal data of the data subject;

- the conclusion and performance of a contract;

- for the performance of the obligations of Infinitas SIA under the applicable laws and regulations;

- legitimate (legitimate) interests - for the pursuit of legitimate (legitimate) interests of Infinitas SIA arising from legal relationships or from laws and regulations.

The legitimate interests of Infinitas SIA are:

- to carry out business activities in compliance with the requirements laid down in the regulatory enactments, including direct marketing;

- administer payments;

- conduct customer research;

- ensuring legal relations and contractual obligations;

- retaining information collected in the course of commercial activities for a specified period of time ;

- designing and developing services;

- ensuring and improving the quality of the service and the service process;

- negotiating possible cooperation and drawing up/preparing and concluding a cooperation agreement;

- Keeping records of natural persons involved in the processing of data of Infinitas SIA (records of employees of Infinitas SIA's business partners);

- Monitoring and prevention of illegal activities, including fraud;

- apply to law enforcement authorities and courts for the protection of their rights or interests violated or contested or protected by law;

- to ensure the management, financial and business accounting and analysis of Infinitas SIA;

- keep records;

- to manage the credit risk of Infinitas SIA.

Processing of personal data and categories of recipients 

The processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter - the Regulation) and other applicable laws and regulations on privacy and data processing, taking into account the organizational, financial and technical resources reasonably available to Infinitas SIA

Infinitas SIA may disclose the Data Subject's personal data: -

- to the Infinitas SIA group entities (for administrative and marketing purposes); -

- Infinitas SIA business partners with whom it offers co-branded products and Services (for the purpose of providing such Services and Products and for the marketing and advertising of such products);

- public authorities and other bodies/institutions performing their statutory functions; -

- authorized auditors/auditors, legal and financial advisors; -

- personal data processors engaged by Infinitas SIA to support Infinitas SIA in the provision of its services; -

- public registry administrators;

- debt collection companies, credit reference bureaus and other third parties to whom Infinitas SIA may transfer its rights and obligations.

Infinitas SIA may disclose personal data to other third parties (independent controllers) in the following cases:

- the processing is necessary for the conclusion and/or performance of a contract;

- the processing of the data is required by the laws and regulations applicable to the activities of Infinitas SIA;

- the consent of the Data Subject has been obtained;

- the disclosure is necessary for the protection of the rights or interests protected by law or asserted or contested by Infinitas SIA.

Profiling, automated decision-making and commercial solicitation of personal data

- Profiling of personal data

Profiling is any form of automated processing of personal data which is carried out for the purpose of evaluating/analyzing certain personal aspects relating to the Data Subject, such as the Data Subject's economic situation, personal preferences, interests, place of residence. Profiling is used for analytical purposes for Customer counseling, direct marketing purposes, automated decision-making such as creditworthiness assessment, risk management, transaction monitoring, fraud prevention and is based on the legitimate interests of Infinitas SIA, the performance of a legal obligation, the performance of a contract or the consent of the Data Subject. 

For marketing purposes, Infinitas SIA uses automated personal data analysis tools, including profiling of the Data Subject. Infinitas SIA groups and analyzes the Data Subject's data according to the goods purchased, payment discipline and other criteria, taking into account other characteristics of the Data Subject (e.g. gender, date of birth, region of residence, etc.). 

Infinitas SIA also carries out data profiling for the purpose of granting preferences to certain categories of customers (e.g. customers who celebrate their birthday within a certain period of time). 

The analysis and profiling activities carried out by Infinitas SIA on the Data Subject do not legally affect the Data Subject, as such activities do not result in Infinitas SIA making decisions that are binding on the Data Subject. 

However, if the Data Subject wishes to object to the automated grouping and analysis (profiling) of his/her personal data, the Data Subject has the right to object to automated data processing, including profiling, by notifying Infinitas SIA at the following e-mail address: or telephone number: 00371 26636388. 

By objecting to the profiling of personal data, the Data Subject should be aware that Infinitas SIA will no longer be able to inform the Data Subject about Infinitas SIA current offers and benefits - promotions, news and other marketing activities.

- Sending commercial communication

Data subjects who have provided their personal data and have expressed their wish to receive information about current offers of Infinitas SIA - promotions, news and other marketing activities, do not object to the fact that for the achievement of the above purpose, representatives of Infinitas SIA will contact the Data subject using publicly available electronic communication services (e-mail, telephone (phone call and/or SMS)). 

By providing consent to the use of the Data Subject's personal data for direct marketing purposes, the Data Subject has the right to opt out of such processing at any time, insofar as it is related to direct marketing. 

Infinitas SIA may offer its services to existing customers on the basis of legitimate interests.

Criteria for the duration of storage of personal data 

Infinitas SIA shall keep personal data for as long as at least one of the following criteria applies:

- Infinitas SIA or the Data Subject can exercise their legitimate interests, e.g. to file an objection or a lawsuit, to file a creditor's claim, the case is not time-barred;

- there is a legal obligation to keep personal data, such as a statutory obligation for the company

- keeping supporting documents,

- consent to the processing of personal data is valid, e.g. the Data Subject's consent to the sending of a commercial communication.

Rights of the data subject 

The data subject has the right to:

- to access personal data held by Infinitas SIA,

- to request the rectification of personal data held by Infinitas SIA that are inaccurate,

- to request the restriction of data processing in the cases provided for in the Regulation,

- request the erasure of personal data in justified cases,

- if the data processing is carried out only on the basis of consent, to withdraw their consent at any time (withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the data processing carried out before the withdrawal),

- object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning him or her based on the legitimate interest of Infinitas SIA, for reasons relating to the particular situation of the Data Subject.

A request concerning the processing of personal data and the exercise of the right may be submitted to:

- in person or by post as a signed application;

- electronically by sending an e-mail and signing it with a secure electronic signature.

Infinitas SIA will evaluate the received request and provide a reply in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. 

In case of objections, Infinitas SIA will take all reasonable and necessary steps to resolve them, otherwise the Data Subject has the right to apply to the supervisory authority - the State Data Inspectorate, contact details available here: . 

Updating your privacy policy 

Infinitas SIA has the right to update and supplement the Privacy Policy. The current Privacy Policy is always available on this website.


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This policy forms part of our privacy policy and explains:

  • what a cookie is,
  • what cookies are used for,
  • what local storage is,
  • what third party cookies are,
  • how to block or delete cookies.


Cookies are small temporary files that are stored on your browsing device (computer, phone, tablet, etc.) whenever you visit a website. Cookies allow a website to store information on your device that is necessary for certain features of the website to function.

When a cookie is created on your device, the following information is stored:

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You can at any time configure your web browser to prevent certain websites from using cookies. In addition, you can delete previously saved cookies.


  • Mandatory cookies. Technical cookies that help manage your movement around the website or ensure you stay on the system. If you block them, certain parts of the website may not work properly.
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  • Analytical cookies. These cookies help us and third parties to record where the website is visited from and how users interact with it, so that we can produce analytical data to help us improve the structure and content of the website.
  • Advertising cookies. These cookies are used to manage the advertisements placed on the website, their content and frequency.
  • Advertising cookies tailored to user habits. These cookies help to monitor your browsing habits in order to create a profile with ads that are relevant to you.
  • Social sharing cookies. Cookies that are needed to allow you to log in to social networks and share content.


Local storage is a file that a website creates on your device. Cookies are just one type of local storage, but there are others. It is important to recognise them so that you can block them or delete the data they store.

  • Browser local storage. Some websites store data in browser "sessionStorage" and "localStorage"; sessionStorage stores data temporarily and localStorage stores data continuously. You can delete them by deleting your browser history.
  • Flash local storage ("Flash local shares"). Flash is a browser plug-in used to add interactive and multimedia content to websites. Flash can store data on your device.
  • Silverlight local storage ("isolated objects"). Silverlight is a browser plugin used to add interactive and multimedia content to websites. Silverlight can store data on your device.
  • A web beacon is a tracking method based on an image integrated into a website. When your browser connects to the server where the image is located to download it, your access is tracked. Sometimes web beacons are very small or transparent images, so users do not notice them.


Many websites include features/functions provided by third parties, such as:

  • analytical data about website usage,
  • interactive maps,
  • video and multimedia elements,
  • social sharing buttons,
  • advertisements.

The providers of these features may use cookies and local storage to monitor your browsing habits and create a profile with advertisements tailored to your interests.

Some of these features track your browsing habits to create a profile of your interests and show you relevant ads. Cookies and local storage are tools that help us collect information about your browsing habits.


Most web browsers allow you to completely disable the use of cookies. They also allow you to delete cookies set by specific domains/websites. Information on how to do this is available on your browser's help page.

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Some information may be stored in your browser's local storage, Flash local storage and Silverlight local storage. How to delete:

  • To delete your browser's local storage, delete your browser history,
  • For information on how to delete Flash local storage, see Adobe's help pages:

To prevent Google Analytics from using cookies:

  • use the browser add-on to opt out of Google Analytics; you can download it at

If you need help with other browsing software or have other questions about the cookies used by this website, please contact us by email:

Please note: if you block cookies, certain services or features may not work properly.


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